About TCCO

Tanzania Clubfoot Care Organization (TCCO) is a network of medical and paramedical professionals in Tanzania with the objective “To ensure every child with Clubfoot in Tanzania receives timely and quality treatment using the Ponseti Method as a gold standard treatment”.

The Ponseti Method was introduced in Tanzania in 2008 with training led by prominent figures in the global health community specializing in clubfoot treatment. Dr. Isidor Ngayomela, who underwent training in Uganda during his academic studies, played a significant role in facilitating this initiative. Upon his return to Tanzania, he effectively advocated for the Ponseti International Association (PIA) to conduct training sessions within the country. The initial training organized by the Ponseti International Association (PIA) proved highly beneficial for all participants, establishing the Ponseti method as the preferred treatment approach. 

Despite this training, healthcare providers faced challenges in achieving nationwide coverage for clubfoot treatment, including resource shortages in public hospitals, financial constraints for families to obtain necessary materials, and logistical hurdles in accessing weekly clinics.

In response to these challenges, Ponseti providers in Tanzania, including the Bugando Clubfoot Care Program (BCCP) in Mwanza, Usa River Rehabilitation Center (URRC) in Arusha, and ACT Lweru CBR Programme in Kagera, collaborated under the support of Miraclefeet from the USA.

This collaboration led to the formation of TCCO in 2016.  Through this partnership, clubfoot clinics were established across the country, with at least one clinic in every region of Tanzania. By September 2023, nearly 60 supported clinics were operational, serving about 10,000 children in the program. Over 500 children completed treatment and were discharged, enabling them to lead normal lives free from the challenges associated with clubfoot stigma, while many others continued their treatment.

Dr. Isidor Ngayomela, formerly the Medical Director of BCCP and later the TCCO medical advisor, played a pivotal role in initiating this foundation in Tanzania. More than 200 Ponseti providers were trained nationwide under his leadership, resulting in improved adherence to the Ponseti approach and higher quality treatment across clinics, as evidenced by key performance indicators. Consequently, the number of neglected clubfoot cases decreased significantly.

Despite the successful partnership between TCCO and Miraclefeet over the past decade, formal support from Miraclefeet concluded in September 2023. TCCO remains open to potential partnerships that align with its vision of expanding outreach and delivering essential care to more children in Tanzania.

"Clubfoot treatment requires a well-functioning multidisciplinary approach where everyone recognizes that they hold the key to the bright future of children born with clubfeet. If we mobilize the required resources and dedicate all our efforts innovatively, we will not only provide treatment to the children born with clubfeet, but we will help the family, community and the Nation get rid of the disability caused by clubfoot. As a national program, TCCO partners with the Ministry of Health and President’s Office Rural Administration and Local Government (PORALG) to ensure that all children born with clubfeet receive timely and quality care.

Tanzania free of clubfoot disability is possible
Dr. Isidor Ngayomela
Medical Advisor
Our Mission

TCCO is a coalition of providers and organizations committed to a Tanzania without clubfoot disability. TCCO treats children, trains providers, educates parents and communities, and advocates so that children with clubfoot can have quality and timely care.

Our Vision

A Tanzania free of clubfoot disability.


At least 70% of children born with clubfoot will begin treatment by 2030.

Our Main Objective

To ensure every child with Clubfoot in Tanzania receives timely and quality treatment using the Ponseti method as a gold standard treatment.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the TCCO office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Looking to join TCCO efforts?