TCCO celebrates World Clubfoot Day 2021

On June 3rd clubfoot healthcare workers and families around the globe celebrate World Clubfoot Day. The Ponseti International Association nominated June 3rd as World Clubfoot Day to honor and commemorate the birthdate of Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, (1914-2009) who is the developer of the Ponseti Method used to treat clubfoot deformity.

The goal of World Clubfoot Day is to raise awareness about clubfoot disability and its prevention using the Ponseti Method. The Ponseti method is a non-surgical correction of clubfoot deformity that is not only very effective in the treatment of clubfoot deformity but also very cost effective.

(Like to know more about the Ponseti method? Click here)

TCCO joined the rest of the world to celebrate the world clubfoot day 2021. Challenged once again by the global pandemic of Covid 19 a national celebration was not possible. However, TCCO celebrated this very important day with small but very eventful celebrations in each of the zones that TCCO is operating.

There are many great things within the theme which are the cause of its popularity. The biggest factor is the appearance of the theme; it disrupts theme design clichés without being unprofessional. The different possible color combinations are also being appreciated by many companies. The theme continues to rise in popularity and many other companies have expressed an interest in deploying it on their new websites. The creators of the theme are happy with the response and have vowed to create further themes exploring the same concepts

  • Northern Zone:
    The Celebrations in Northern zone took place at one of our biggest clinics at KCMC hospital in Moshi. The Guest of Honor was Dr Sarah Urassa (Director of Hospital Services at KCMC). The celebrations were marked by various activities including, a march with a band, patient testimony, speech from the guest of honor and participants shared a meal.
  • Coastal Zone:
    The Morogoro Regional Refferal Hospital hosted the Coastal zone world clubfoot day celebrations. This very eventful day was attended by the Regional medical Officer Dr. Kusirye Ukio (Regional Medical Officer) who was the guest of honor, accompanied by Dr. Daniel Mkungu (Medical Officer In Charge). During the event, there were speeches from the invited guests, TCCO staff, a meal was shared accompanied by Gifts for children who attended the clinic. Also, there was Media coverage which involved national Radio and Tv stations.
  • Lake Zone:
    Sengerema hospital in Mwanza hosted the world clubfoot day celebrations in Lake/Central zone. Dr Condrad Mzalifu (Acting MOI of Sengerema Hospital) was the guest of honor. The event included Health Care Workers at Sengerema hospital, TCCO lake zone staff and various providers from other clinics from Lake/Central zone who were joined by few parents and children with clubfoot.
  • Southern Highland Zone:
    In the southern highlands the world clubfoot Day celebrations were held at the Mbeya Zonal Referral Hospital. At MZRH the guest of honor for the event was Dr Godlove Mbwanji (Director of Mbeya Zonal Referral hospital). A large number of hospital staff, students and parents with children with clubfoot joined the southern highland team to celebrate this special day. The event was covered by various media outlets which made the goal to increase awareness of clubfoot possible.

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